Sunday 22 May 2016

日本弓道審查之旅 Japan Trip

Day 1 - 平成2847日(木)

That day, I started my unpaid leave. At 2.30pm, I boarded Air Asia Airline and started my Japan Trip. It was my first time to buy air ticket online MYSELF.It was the first time I took airplane ALONE.And, it was my first time GO TO JAPAN.

▲飛機上的風景 View from plane

我出關的時候,已經是晚上1030分。由於在飛機上吃了飛機餐(Nasi Lemak,已經包在機票裏面的),所以我也沒有想過要在機場内吃晚餐,那個時候我唯一的目的是要找一個地方給我睡覺,因爲我從上飛機開始,就開始頭痛得很厲害,下了飛機也很頭痛。因爲我之前有患上了感冒,下機後我到了廁所把鼻涕擤出來,結果有血……
It was around 10.30pm when I was leaving the custom. I skipped my dinner in the airport as I already had it (Nasi Lemak) in the airplane. The only thing that I had to do immediately was to find a sleeping corner in the airport because of headache when I boarded and exit the plane. Actually I had got flu in Malaysia, I went to the washroom after arriving at the airport. I blew my nose, I found it was bleeding…

Lastly, I found a row of chairs on the 2nd floor of the airport. I put down the luggage and bow, and told my girlfriend and parents that I reached Japan. Then, I slept on the chairs…

New Experience
1) 一個人來日本 Came Japan alone

Day 2 - 平成2848日(金)

早上5時左右,我睡醒了,頭還是很痛。在廁所洗刷,也和女友聊了以後她叫我吃之前買給我的Vitamin C,這剛好我有帶來日本。因爲現在的時間接近5時,店鋪都還沒開始營業,我就在機場内到處亂逛,結果就走到了瞭望臺。噢噢噢噢!!這就是羽田機場的瞭望臺!我在那裏的自動販賣機買了礦泉水,然後就吃了一粒Vitamin C,順便看看瞭望臺的風景。日本和馬來西亞不同,雖然說現在已經是5時多,但天已經非常亮了。
At 5 am, I woke up but I still got headache. After washing my face and chatting with my girlfriend, she told me that I have to eat the Vitamin C which she bought for me before. Fortunately I brought it to Japan. At that time, the shops in the airport still closed. I walked around and finally I reached the viewing platform of Narita Airport. I bought a bottle of mineral water from the vending machine there (actually there are vending machines everywhere), and took a piece of vitamin C. Here was different with Malaysia as the sunlight was very bright at 5 am.

At 6 o’clock, I started to hang around the airport, and ate breakfast there. The size of this airport (international terminal only) is not so big, but there are well decorated/designed, including the Nihonbashi (photo below). On the same floor, after having my simple breakfast, I enjoyed the design of Nihonbashi. At that same time I still got headache, but did not pain as before.

▲簡單早餐 Simple Breakfast

▲在機場的日本橋 Nihonbashi in Haneda Airport

▲機場的早晨 Morning in the airport

The hang out was ended in a short time because the airport is not big. Then I went to the bus ticket counter to buy the bus ticket which is for going to Tsukuba Central. After waiting (because it was not the time yet) I went to downstairs bus station, and took the bus to Tsukuba Central. After arriving at Tsukuba Central, I changed to another bus which is going to Tsukuba Daigaku (University).

根據我老大鄭某的金手指引,很容易地我在筑波大學裏找到了「蓬矢館弓道場」(圖片有點黑)。跟裏邊的人打了招呼後,呆到了傍晚時刻老大就帶我去check in。我住的地方是「大学会館,看來相當舒適。過後兩、三天都是練習,而且裏邊也不被允許在練習時拍照,所以就沒多少照片了。
I followed my leader Mr. C’s instructions, I found KyudoJo easily. After meet with the people inside, Mr. C brought me to Daigaku Kaikan and checked in during the evening. My room looked so comfortable. We will be here on two or three days training, and they did not allowed to take photo inside the dojo so there were not many photos here.

▲老大的指引 Instruction from Boss leader

▲櫻花盛開的大學 Cherry blossom in unversity

New Experience
1) 搭巴士 Took bus
2) 吃便當盒 Ate Bento

Day 3 - 平成2849日(土)

After having the breakfast (which bought from Lawson Convenient shop), I started my training at KyudoJo. This training was from 9 am until 6 pm. We ate lunch besides waiting for our teammates. Our lunch box was "Bento" (Japanese Lunch Box, it is very delicious).  We went back to our room while the day's training was ended. I went out with Mr. D after a while. That time I still hadn’t found that my budget control was starting out of control…

Since it was my first time came to Japan, I followed Mr. D. We took the train from Tsukuba to Megurogawa, we enjoyed the night view of the river for few hours. After that, we went to Sensouji by train because we found that we still got enough time (Daigaku Kaikan curfew is 0 am). And I found that I already used some money which is out of budget on the transportation.

▲一些夜景 Night View

▲淺草寺 Sensouji

It was almost 11.30 pm when we arrived Tsukuba Central. There was no any bus which is going back to the university area. Hence, we took taxi and went back to our hostel.

New Experience
1) 搭火車 Took train
2) 搭的士 Took taxi
3) 看櫻花 Sakura

Day 4 - 平成28410日(日)

It was Sunday and KyudoJo was closed. Thus, we didn’t have any training at this day. Everybody had their own plans, but I hadn’t. I extremely appreciated our kyudo team advisor Mr. G because he took care of me. We went around the city together, and Mr. D also followed us because of his own reason.

我们去的地方有「土浦弓具店」、「はま寿司」、「地質標本館」、「Science Square Tsukuba」這幾個地方。原本要到天文館之類的地方「JAXA」去看的,但因爲這天是JAXA的休息日所以沒去到。我和D先生在這些地方拍了很多照,我拍照的主要原因是這些都可以成爲我教學的材料。
The places that we had visited were “Tsuchiura KyuguTen”, “Hama Sushi”, Geological Museum, and Science Square Tsukuba. Actually we planned to go JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) but at the end we did not because that day was JAXA’s rest day. I and Mr. D took many photos at these places. I took these photos as my materials for teaching purpose.

▲壽司店吃雪糕 Eat icecream in Sushi shop

While exploring adventures in the geological museum, I found an interesting thing: - There was an application of Hologram which is taught in our Science lesson. (If don’t know what is Hologram you can refer to the video below.) In the photo, you can found that: From this angle, we see nothing , but there is an 3D image in another shooting angle. It’s fantastic!

▲立體影像 Hologram

▲恐龍化石 Dinosaur bone

▲恐龍蛋與腳掌 Dinosaur Egg and sole

▲地質標本舘 Geological Museum

Science Square Tsukuba

It was almost 5 pm when we finished visiting the places. We went back to Daigaku Kaikan to take a rest. Due to some special reasons, Mr. D was not convenient to join my dinner. I walked alone from Daigaku Kaikan to Tsukuba Central to look for my meal. I enjoyed the sakura flower blooming on the way to Tsukuba Central, and I took some photos.

▲大學内的櫻花 Sakura in university

我在筑波センター附近的Shopping Mall逛了一下後,我就一個人進入了一間叫做Rakeru的餐廳,因爲餐廳外面放的食物sample吸引了我(沒照片),而且我也想到吃吃這裡的蛋包飯也不錯,所以就選擇了這間餐廳。由於我要省錢,所以我就叫了比較便宜的蛋包飯+牛肉塊+特製醬汁(如下圖),噢噢噢噢噢噢~~~~~~~好好吃喲~~~~~~~
I hung around the shopping mall which is near to the Tsukuba Central. Later, I went into a restaurant named “Rakeru” because I was attracted by the food sample (no photo) outside the restaurant. The other reason I chose this restaurant is that I was eagle to try the omurice. For saving cost reason, finally I ordered a cheap dinner set--omurice+beef+special sauce (as photo below) Ooooooooooooooh~~ it is so deliciousssssssss!!

▲晚餐 Dinner

New Experience
1) 吃蛋包飯 Ate Omurice
2) 吃牛肉 Ate beef

Day 5 - 平成28411日(月)

今天是我們預定要去名古屋的一天,但由於這個弓道場沒有任何活動,我們的指導老師G先生建議我們上午可以在這裡先作最後的練習,所以我們checked out後就直接在這裡做了最後的練習。
We planned to go to Nagoya, but there were no any activities in the KyudoJo. Our technical advisor Mr. G advised us to do last kyudo practice in the KyudoJo, so we had our training in the morning after checking out.

▲大學内的弓道場 KyudoJo in  university

接著,我們便乘搭巴士到筑波センター,再從筑波センター搭火車到「北千住」,然後再搭高速火車去名古屋(沒照片)。在我們的好友M先生的幫助下,我們到達了名古屋後,繼續乘搭地鐵到達了我們的目的地——「日本ガイシャスポーツプラザ」,我們checked in了我們的住宿「宿泊研修棟」後,大夥兒便一起去那裏附近的壽司店——「かっぱ寿司」吃壽司(晚餐)。
After that, we went to Tsukuba Central by bus, and traveled to “Kitasenchu” by train. Lastly, we went to Nagoya by high-speed train (no photos). With our friend Mr. M’s helps, we arrived at “Nihon Gaisha Sport Plaza” in Nagoya. We all ate dinner at “Kappa Sushi” (Sushi Ya) after checked in “ShukuHaku Kenshu Tou” (dormitory).

▲我們的宿舍 Our hostel

▲我們的房間 Our Room

▲吃晚餐的地方 Place where having dinnner

New Experience
1) 乘搭高速火車 Took high-speed train
2) 使用公共浴室,大家一起洗澡 Used public shower room, took bath with friends (male) together

Day 6 - 平成28412日(火)

這天是第五屆「国際弓道連盟 アジアオセアニアセミナー」的第一天,我們報到拿了號碼布和小冊子後,放了東西去休息室便開始了爲期三天的講座。由於參與人數太多的關係,這個講座被分爲ABC三個,而我們是參與講座B,參與者來自十一個不同的國家(包括馬來西亞)。
It was the first day of '5th IKYF Asia-Oseania Seminar'. After we got the number and a small booklet, we put down our things in the lounge and attended the seminar. Here was too many participants, hence the organizer prepared three different seminars (A, B, and C) and divided all participants into three. I and my friends joined seminar B and the other participants in our team are came from 11 countries including Malaysia.

5th Asia-Oceania Seminar

After opening ceremony started, somebody leaded us to read the <Raiki-Shagi> and <Shahokun>. Next was a demonstration of instructors, and we were told to do the “MitoriGeiko” (it means that to observe and learn from the instructors) during demonstration. Lastly we did our first day practice by separate group (my group is “Mudan”, it means I haven’t got any level in kyudo). Here were five people in this small group.

《禮記射義》和《射法訓》  <Raiki-Shagi> and <Shahokun>

While the seminar finished, we went back to the dormitory and changed clothes then had dinner in the restaurant nearby. I thought I already fall in love with the Japan cabbage because I tasted the delicacy of cabbage (in this restaurant). It tasted sweet and crisp, with some sauces and sesame. Even it was a simple meal of cabbage, but it was a nice food (for me)! Actually I ate other grill food (no photos) too. After dinner, we went to convenient shop to buy something (I bought my breakfast for next day), and back to the dormitory. Then we took baths and slept.

New Experience
1) 和外國朋友交流認識 Knew someone from other countries.

Day 7 - 平成28413日(水)

The programmes of this 3-days seminar were almost the same: reading, learning by watching the demonstration, and practicing.  The difference for tonight was the reception which was held by the organizer.  Everyone ate and drank at here, and introduced the participants from different countries. During the introduction of our country (Malaysia), our leader Mr.C leaded us to rise up the cup and shouted, “Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam Seng!!” wtf I felt so shy with it…. Since this reception finished, some of us (including me) gathered together and asked some experiences from Mr. L who’s from Hong Kong. We asked about his difficulty and solutions while doing the Kyudo training.

▲晚上的招待會 Reception at night

New Experience
1) None.

Day 8 - 平成28414日(木)

This was the last day of seminar. I returned the number tag to the organizer after practicing the steps and rhythm with my group mate at the end of the seminar. After the seminar ended, we went to eat “Okonomiyaki”. There were various types of Okonomiyaki, or we can make the Okonomiyaki ourselves (they will provide the material) in this shop. I like the garlic so I ordered an Okonomiyaki which is full of garlic on it. The taste was good!

お好み焼き Okonomiyaki

New Experience
1) お好み焼き Ate Okonomiyaki.

Day 9 - 平成28415日(金)

This was the day of Shinsha (Examination). All of us gathered in the morning (in KyudoJo) and the Shinsha begun. All participants was regrouped, fortunately my four group mates were the same as 3 days before. There was nothing to describe about the Shinsha because it was an observation of Shinsha-in (examiner). A technical advisor of our Malaysia team, Mr. S took Roku-dan (Sixth level). After our Shinsha was finished, we stayed until 2 pm to have a look on Roku-dan Shinsha..

Certainly, our Shinsha result was out before the Shinsha of Mr. S started. Most of us (Malaysian participants) passed! Unexpectedly, I had to pay the registration fee when I passed the Shinsha. It was another cost which was out of my budget…

After the Shinsha finished, certainly we had to celebrate it!! Since most of Malaysia team members got their own plans, I followed one of MKYF creator – Mr. L and our friend Mr. M to “Atta Hourai Ken” whichi is in “Yaba” to have eel meal! I ordered a simple eel dinner set because I need to save budget. Thousand thanks to my technical advisor Mr.S and another one advisor Mrs. Y (who didn’t come to Japan) because they paid the bill for us .

▲鰻魚晚餐 Eel dinner

That night, we still stayed in the dormitory. So we had to go back before 10 pm (because there was 10 pm curfew). While waiting for the subway, the station very crowded. I saw the information board and it was written the keyword “Shokushashimasu”. This keyword means that either there was a person suicide (jumped) in the station or there was an accident on the subway. The subway was delayed because of this reason. It was around 10 pm.  Our leader Mr. C called the management of the hostel and persuaded them to extend the door closing time for this reason. At the same time, we took another subway to another station then walked back to the hostel. . For those who bought tickets, we leaved the station first. For those using the pass (cards), Mr. S stayed at the station and helped them to leave this station.

Finally, we reached the hostel. Tonight was our last night in this sport center.

New Experience
1) お好み焼き Ate Okonomiyaki.
2) 地鐵延遲時間 Delayed of subway.
3) 熊本地震 Earthquake in Kumamoto (but not effect us).

Day 10 - 平成28416日(土)

Actually I planned going back to Malaysia by this day. Unfortunately the air ticket was too expensive, so I changed my plan and decided to go back Malaysia on next day. I and Mr. L can stay in Mr. M’s house at this night. All Malaysia team members gathered in the morning at first and then we leaved separately. Seven of us (including Mr. C, Mr. L and me) went to “Satsuki to Mei no ie” (Totoro House) by subway. Immediately we decided to go to “Ai Chikyu KinenKan” by taxi because we pressed for time.

After visiting Totoro House, we had a walk around this KinenKan. I loved this place because the view was very beautiful and natural. After that, we went back to Mr. M’s house and let other friends took their luggage.  Mr. C needed to leave first because of his own reason. Without Mr. C, we went for lunch.  All people left after finishing the lunch (Japan Curry), except Mr. M, Mr. L and me. Three of us started our plan.

サツキとメイの家 Totoro House

▲其他風景 Other Views

▲午餐 Lunch

We went to Onsen (hot spring) as what we planned before. We took bus and went to Onsen where is in Nagashima in afternoon. It was the first time I took bath in a hot spring. When entering the hot spring area, I found that there were many types of Onsen… At first, we went to the normal one which is inside the building. Secondly, we went outside for other types of onsen likes electric hot spring, carbonate hot spring, skin beautification hot spring etc. We stopped soaking in hot spring since our skin started wrinkled. Mr. M went to Sauna room but Mr. L and I not because we cannot stand that heat… There were places for cold water bath but we didn’t go in.

▲溫泉 Onsen

▲外邊的廣場 Outside

After finishing the bath in onsen, we had dinner at the dining room at there. It was very comfortable… Wearing yukata, and having delicious dinner in the Japanese style dining room, I was enjoying such a relaxing lifetime. We left Onsen and walked around nearby after finishing the dinner. Then we went back to Mr. M’s house on last night in Japan.

New Experience
1) 吃日本咖喱 having Japan curry.
2) 泡溫泉 bath in hot spring.

Day 11 - 平成28417日(日)

After accompanying our friends to the high speed train station yesterday, Mr. M already helped me to buy the bus ticket to Tokyo. This morning, we woke up early, washed the face and went to the station. I parted company with Mr. M and Mr. L at the station, went into the bus and leave Nagoya… It was a heavy rain along the way to Tokyo. I looked out through the window and dreamed away… After traveling in about 7 hours, finally I reached Tokyo.

▲雨景 View of raining

在這幾天内,我知道了日本搭火車的方式以及路綫的看法,所以我很容易地就從東京車站,搭火車到達了羽田機場。那個時候還是中午二時多,離回程飛機起飛的時間還有八個小時,所以我就在那裏到處閒逛……逛到晚上我在那裏吃了晚餐,也順便看看那邊機場的夜景,最後就可以checked in,上飛機,囘馬來西亞……
In these few days, I already learned the way traveling by train in Japan. Hence, I got to Haneda Airport from this Tokyo station easily by train. It was around 2 pm, so I still got 8 hours to walk around (again) in the airport… I had dinner in the airport and admired the night view of the airport. Time flies, finally I can check in and back to Malaysia…

Check in Counter

 Day 12 - 平成28418日(月)

Finally, I arrived Malaysia. The only special experience was, I was blocked while I went through the custom as I brought “weapon”… After negotiating with the custom, finally they allowed me to leave here. I went back to home and put down all my things. I changed clothes and went to school and returned to my working life… had not much time to rest.


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